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Conference on Urban Archaeology of the Shang Dynasty and Conservation of Major Sites

"Urban Archaeology of the Shang Dynasty and Conservation of Major Sites" will be the third annual conference on Chinese culture jointly organized by Chinese Cultural Studies Center and the Cultural Management Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This year, the Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology will also be joining as an organizer.

The conference aims to advance the dialogue on the significance of these Shang dynasty cities. More than 20 distinguished archaeologists from China and other countries will present their latest research in the field of Shang dynasty archaeological sites and also provide insights into more effective methods in addressing the challenges of large-scale site conservation. This conference will provide a venue for an exchange of ideas and findings as related to recent and current research in these fields.

內容 Details

Panel 1

(第一至三節) : 商代遺址的發掘及研究

(Session 1-3) : Excavation and Research of Shang Period Sites

Panel 2

(第四節) : 商代考古研究

(Session 4) : Studies of Shang Archaeology

Panel 3

(第五至七節) : 考古遺址保護的理論及實踐

(Session 5-7) : Theories and Practices in the Conservation of Archaeology Sites

日期 Date


時間 Time

9:00 - 18:30 (每日 each day)

地點 Venue


Lecture Theater 2, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

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